The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: How To Activate Your Core, Grounding For Health & How To Create Stronger Shoulders

Aug 11, 2023
  â€‹I take this supplement for sleep every single day​:

One of the banes of my existence has been sleep. I would wake up multiple times a night and when I tried to put my head on the pillow I'd get hit with all sorts of thoughts that would keep me awake. I thought it was genetic as my dad had been suffering from the same problems. Turns out I was wrong.

One of the problems I had was that I was deficient in magnesium. I'm not alone in this either as it's estimated that up to two-thirds of people in the Western world are affected by this. Being deficient in magnesium can lead to sleep disruptions, high blood pressure, and even mental health issues.

Magnesium is like a wonder supplement. The benefits I've seen myself and from getting my clients to take it are improved sleep, improved mood, and decreased stress.

This is why I take Magtech every day. It contains magnesium glycinate, l-threonate, and taurate to make it one of the best-quality magnesium supplements on the market. They also open-source their ingredients and their 3rd party lab results so you know exactly what's inside and what you're taking.

Now for a limited time, they have a special promotion where you can receive one free bottle for every 2 bottles you purchase.

Try MagTech Magnesium Today!

In February, we moved to the West Coast to live in a new home.

As with all new homes, you find things here and there that you want to fix. One of them for me has been the landscaping.

I've been going back and forth with my wife about the fact that we don't have real grass. This bothers me.

In my neighborhood, it's not required to have a lawn. You can lay down some fake grass and be done with it, which is what most people have done.

But I know the value of having real grass. It's not about having a perfectly manicured's about our health and well-being.

I'll be getting more into why that is in the second section of today's 4 Minute Friday.

For now, I'm in negotiations to redo our entire lawn and get real grass in there. Wish me luck.

That being said...

Here is your 4 Minute Friday:

1. The little known trick to activating your core

If you were to get into a plank position, would you suck in your stomach or push it out?

This is a question I usually pose to my clients when we talk about training our core​.

The correct answer is to push it out.

Bracing your core is something we want to do for almost every exercise we perform in the gym.

Practicing abdominal bracing when exercising or doing daily tasks can help reduce the strain on your lower back. It protects you from injury and can also increase your strength potential when done properly.

A study compared the effect of sucking in your stomach and bracing. It found that bracing is more effective at activating the abdominal muscles.

You use your core for almost every exercise or movement you perform.

The simplest way to do it is to push your abs out as if Mike Tyson were to punch you in the stomach.

Here's a great video by Dr. Aaron Horschig from Squat University on how to brace your core: 


2. Grounding and its effect on your health.

Grounding aka Earthing is a form of therapy that involves doing activities that reconnect us with the Earth.

The theory is that grounding affects the living matrix, which is the connector between living cells.

Grounding is a ​natural way of hacking our bodies​ to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Researchers believe that through grounding, our natural defenses of the body can be restored.

A study was done to find out if this was true. So the researchers had subjects ground their bodies for 4 days for 30 minutes a day and the results were dramatic.

Subjects found a reduction in pain, reduced inflammation, increased rates of healing, and overall reductions of stress.

You can see the results of the study here​.

This is the reason why I want grass installed in our home. We've become so disconnected from nature that we're surrounded by fake lights, fake floors, and everything in between.

The studies are early but something as simple as putting your feet on grass for 30 minutes may have a dramatic impact on your overall health.

How to practice grounding:

Outdoors: Take off your shoes and allow your body to touch the Earth. Easy ways to do this are walking on the grass, lying in the sand, or swimming in the sea. If you do walk on grass it's best to make sure that you do so on grass that hasn't been sprayed with fertilizer.

Indoors: You can use a grounding sheet or socks while sleeping. You can also use a grounding mat in your home office chair. I have not tested these yet so I don't have any recommendations on brands.

3. How to create strong shoulders

Strong shoulders lead to a strong body.

They stabilize all the muscles included in the core. They are essential for your mobility and independence. They assist in everyday tasks like lifting and carrying. Your shoulders help improve your posture. They also make you look very good in a cutoff shirt.

There are 5 exercises I'm doing to create a strong set of shoulders:

  1. Lying T-Raises
  2. Lying external rotation
  3. Lying W-Raises
  4. Lying Snow Angels
  5. Bar hangs

Here's a thread I created on Twitter on how to train each of them:

If you can't access that link on Twitter you can 
use this one​.

Client of the week - Sam M, Entrepreneur

Sam is an entrepreneur who struggles with constant hunger and bad eating choices.

His main goal was to get down to 15% body fat and create a routine around his fitness habits.

In 12 weeks he's dropped 24 lbs and 5 inches from his waist while he experienced a 2x increase in his energy levels.

Our strategy:

  • Lift weights using progressive overload.
  • Incorporate a flexible dieting lifestyle where he could eat his favorite foods while losing weight.
  • Added daily walks to deal with stress and burn extra calories.

​If you're an entrepreneur who wants to be confident in your body and increase energy in a way that fits your busy life click here for a strategy call.

One Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

“Never say that you can't do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can't be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds.
We are each the masters of our own reality; when we become aware of this, absolutely anything in the world is possible."
– Mike Norton

The thoughts you think and the words you use to communicate with yourself are messages you're sending to your mind.

A good litmus test for any thought:

"Would I say this to my best friend? If not, why am I saying this to myself?"

When it comes down to it, the person we're going to live with the most is ourselves. This is why we must become our own best friends.

- Dan

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape in a way that fits your busy lifestyle? â€‹Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.​​​

2. If you’re still looking to get lean, I’d recommend starting with an affordable course:

 â€‹The Lean Body 90 System:​ Transform your body with the Lean Body 90 system. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I use to help my clients become lean and energetic in 90 days in only 90 minutes a week. â€‹Join 1000+ students here.​​

​3. Want to promote your business to 151,000+ health and fitness enthusiasts? â€‹Click here to sponsor my newsletter.

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