The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: The 30-30-30 Rule Of Body Transformation, Eat This Before Bed To Gain More Muscle & The Best Floss On The Planet

4 minute fridays Aug 02, 2024

Read time: 3.8 minutes

Welcome to 4 Minute Fridays, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to help you get lean, boost energy, and live longer.

What's In Store For Today:

  • The 30-30-30 rule of body transformation
  • Eat this before bed to gain more muscle
  • The best dental floss on the planet

Today's issue is brought to you by ​High Performance Founder Private Coaching​.

We help high-achieving entrepreneurs and professionals drop weight, lose the belly, and improve their energy levels without giving up their favorite foods or spending hours in the gym.

If you're an entrepreneur with 20 pounds or more to lose you are sitting on a goldmine of unrealized performance, energy, and confidence.

Click the link below to sign up for a free ​Result Accelerator Call​ and let's get you in the best shape of your life.

Click here to apply for body transformation coaching

Hey friend,

The person who motivated me to get in shape was not an Instagram model or a fitness trainer—it was my dad.

Up until his 40's, he used to neglect his body until one day he said, "Enough is enough".

That's when he started going to the gym at 6am every day without fail.

I saw him do this for 2 years and get his body into great shape until I decided to join him.

He never told me to workout or to eat well.

I followed his lead because he was my first example of what good health should look like.

If your children adopted your habits would you be proud or scared?

The fact is our kids won't do what we say. They'll do what they see.

That said...

Here Is Your 4 Minute Friday:

1. The 30-30-30 Rule Of Body Transformation

There's a viral fitness trend happening on social media that I'm a big fan of called the 30-30-30 rule and it goes like this:

Within 30 minutes of waking up, eat a breakfast containing 30 grams of protein, then go for a 30-minute brisk walk.

Why this works:

When you wake up, you've just spent hours fasting while you slept, so your body is in a catabolic state.

Eating protein first thing in the morning is like giving your body a jumpstart. It's like telling your body, "Hey, here's the good stuff you need to repair and grow your muscles."

Plus, protein in the morning helps curb your appetite, making you less likely to binge on junk later.

Now 30 minutes of walking helps you wake up your body (when done outside) and helps you digest your meal.

Let's not forget about the mental benefits. Walking is a form of moving meditation, giving you a chance to clear your mind, think through your plans for the day, or enjoy some quiet time.

I believe most social media fitness trends are quite horrible but this one is awesome.

Try it out and your body might thank you.

2. Eat This Before Bed To Build Muscle

One of the optimal ways to build muscle is when you're sleeping.

Research shows that drinking a protein source rich in casein before bed is like giving your muscles a slow-drip feed of nutrients.

Casein is a protein that's digested slowly, so instead of spiking your protein levels all at once, it releases amino acids into your bloodstream gradually over several hours.

This is especially handy when you're sleeping because, let's face it, you're not eating for 7-8 hours. Your muscles need protein to repair and grow, and without it, they can go into a catabolic state where they start breaking down.

So, by having casein before bed, you're essentially keeping your muscles fueled with the good stuff while you sleep.

One of the best food sources for casein is Greek Yogurt.

While Greek yogurt is also high in whey protein, it contains a good amount of casein. It's a versatile food that can be eaten on its own, added to smoothies, or used as a base for dips and sauces.

Just remember, though, it's not a magic bullet—consistent training and overall diet are still king. Casein before bed is just one of those smart little hacks that give you an edge.

❤️ My Favourite Thing This Week  

 Dental hygiene is the unsung hero of good health.

Bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory issues.

This is a big reason why flossing is super important.

One of the best types of floss I've found is twin-line floss from ​Plackers​.

With this arrangement, the floss doesn’t droop, get loose, or anything — and I can easily floss because of the handle.

The 2 lines are like tiny, meticulous janitors scrubbing between your teeth, getting rid of all that nasty gunk that builds up and causes problems.

If you're in the market for better dental health try these out.

Client Of The Week - Michael C, Entrepreneur

Michael is an entrepreneur who struggled with his eating habits and an ineffective weight training plan. His main goal was to lose his belly while increasing his muscle mass.

In 12 weeks, we've dropped close to 23 lbs while adding almost 5 lbs of lean muscle!

Our strategy:

  • 3 workouts a week using strength circuits and progressive overload.
  • Mandatory 8-10k steps a day
  • Changed his nutritional habits to go from hyper-processed foods to single-ingredient nutrient-dense sources
  • Get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Results don't lie. Michael trusted the process, was extremely coachable, and has completely changed his health.

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to drop the fat, gain muscle, and boost energy? Click this link to apply for our coaching program.​ 

One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
— Haruki Murakami from the book ​Kafka on the Shore​ 

Whatever you're going through keep going. Stay positive. Everything in your path is there to make you a stronger person.

Have a great weekend!

- Dan


When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1. The Lean Body 90 System: When you’re ready to get in great shape, Lean Body 90 is the obvious choice. You can get in great shape and reach your fitness goals in just 90 minutes a week. Lose weight and build muscle even without hours in the gym or highly restrictive diets. Join 1000+ students here.

2. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape? Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.

3. Promote yourself to 305,000+ subscribers​ by sponsoring this newsletter.



  1. Snijders T, Trommelen J, Kouw IWK, Holwerda AM, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJC. The Impact of Pre-sleep Protein Ingestion on the Skeletal Muscle Adaptive Response to Exercise in Humans: An Update. Front Nutr. 2019 Mar 6;6:17. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00017. PMID: 30895177; PMCID: PMC6415027.

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