The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: Accountability Mirrors, Growing Muscle & How to Eat More Protein

4 minute fridays Dec 15, 2022

Read time: 3.7 Minutes​
Today's issue is brought to you by 
High Performance Founder. They help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that supports their busy lifestyle.

I've started to do something different with myself the past few days and it's been getting a bit raw.

Instead of journaling in my notebook, I've been doing videos talking to myself.

It's a version of David Goggins's Accountability mirror.

Each night David Goggins would use the mirror as a device to hold himself accountable. If he was not living up to his goals he'd tell himself without mincing words.

I've found this process to be honest & liberating.

There are some areas of my life where I'm doing well.

My relationship with my family is great. I've grown my social media audience to 600k. I've reached a level of revenue + profit that's surpassed any year I've done in business.

But I've also gotten comfortable in other areas.

My waistline is getting bigger than I care for it to be. I spend a bit too much time on social media.

Comfort can creep in when you're not being honest.

While talking to myself I get raw and real. I don't coddle. I want to get to the root of the issues.

As I told one of my friends,

Honest precedes awareness. Awareness precedes improvement.

We all get comfortable from time to time.

But a good life is not cozy. It's one where we seek discomfort through the goals we set for ourselves.
You can only find that out by being honest with yourself.

3 Ways To Become a Better Human

1. Macro Decisions

Your macro decisions end up making your micro-decisions easier.

Where you live has an effect on how often you walk.

If your partner doesn't care about health it will become harder to get in shape.

Your macro decisions will have an immense impact on your micro-actions. Choose them wisely.

2. How to eat more protein

I was talking to a client the other day and he asked me how to eat more protein.

To build muscle while burning fat you need to be at 0.8 to 1g of protein per pound of body weight.

So I gave him what's been working for me and most of our clients:

Meal 1 - Double scoop protein shake with green powder

Meal 2 - Moderate protein meal (minimum 30-40g protein)

Meal 3 - 300-400g of Steak, Salmon, Fish or Chicken

This is for a 180 lbs man who is dropping 15 lbs. Modify this based on your goals.

3. Important muscle growth tip

For your foundational exercises (squat, deadlift, bench press, etc.) track your 10-rep, 15-rep, and 20-rep maxes.

Maxing our does very little for muscle growth. However, pushing the limits on your moderate and high rep maxes will transform your physique.

Track them and make them priorities in training.

Client of the Week - Todd Durham, CEO

T is a CEO who wanted to lose 20 lbs and stay there.

He struggled with keeping a consistent way of eating to stay lean and had a hard time fitting ideal nutrition with his family life

He wanted to create a holistic program for him centered on nutrition, routine building & workouts while keeping him accountable & overcoming obstacles we might face in the program.​
In 4 months he's dropped 25 pounds, gained a few pounds of muscle, and has gotten to his best shape since college. He's done it while being flexible with his diet, creating healthy routines, and increasing his energy levels.

​If you're an entrepreneur who wants results like this click here for a strategy call.​

A Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

“Our culture has become hooked on the quick-fix, the life hack, efficiency. Everyone is on the hunt for that simple action algorithm that nets maximum profit with the least amount of effort.

There’s no denying this attitude may get you some of the trappings of success, if you’re lucky, but it will not lead to a calloused mind or self-mastery.

If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.”

― David Goggins from Can't Hurt Me

Instead of wishing for it to be easier pray for yourself to be stronger & more disciplined.

We can't control the circumstances of our life but we can handle how we bear them.

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

PLUS whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy & build a confident body with a 94% rate of success? Apply for one-on-one coaching here.​
  2. Want to get your brand exposed to 47,000+ subscribers? I’m taking on sponsors for my 4 minute Fridays newsletter. Reply to this email and let’s chat.

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