The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: The Most Underrated Fruit On The Planet, How To Train The Glutes & A Simple Way To Test Your Lung Capacity

4 minute fridays Jun 02, 2023

4 Minute Fridays

By Dan Go

Today's issue is brought to you by ​High Performance Founder Private Coaching.​ We help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that supports their busy lifestyle.

The other day I was meeting with a client who was getting started on his transformation.

Ever since he started a business his weight has been a challenge. His big issues were stress eating and not having a set routine when it came to his diet. He also hated going to the gym.

After doing a bit of digging we uncovered a few beliefs about his health and body.

He believed he didn't have time to take care of his body. He's also been out of shape for so long that he didn't think it was possible despite the fact that he was a successful entrepreneur.

One thing I'm constantly reminded of is that body transformation is both a physical and mental process. In order to change the body you must also change the mind or at the very least give it a different way to perceive things.

So I did a mental exercise with him to help move the needle:

I related the process of losing weight to something he was good at which was making money.

When it comes to money he tracks it like a hawk. He's objective about it. He makes sound decisions around it.

So we decided to import his identity around money into his process of getting in shape. We related eating to investing and calories to cash flow. We treated weight training like saving for retirement. We became objective about our results and knew we were playing the long game.

Now he's a couple of pounds down, feeling energized, and feels like the process is easier than his previous attempts.

The lesson here is that you're probably successful at something in life. The same mental principles you use towards the thing you're successful at can be imported into something you're trying to improve on.

It's all a matter of perception.


Here is your 4 Minute Friday:

1. The most underrated fruit on the planet

Everyone knows that I'm a sucker for a good mango.

While I would love to sing the praises for this magical fruit I have to say that there is another fruit on the planet that is not talked about enough for how nutritious it is.

The fruit I'm talking about is the kiwi.

A single 3.5 ounce kiwi provides over 80% of your average daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant protecting the body from oxidative damage. It’s also involved in immune function and your body needs it to make collagen and neurotransmitters.

Additionally, kiwis contain potassium, copper, vitamin K, folate, and vitamin E, a fat-soluble nutrient that has antioxidant effects.

They are low in calories and they’re a good source of fiber.

Best of all they are yummy. Add these to your basket next time you're at the grocery.

2. How to train your glutes

The glutes are one of the most important muscles in your body. Aside from your jaw, it should be the most powerful muscle but for most, they are turned off due to long periods of sitting.

This is called gluteal amnesia but it doesn't mean that your glutes forgot how to work. It means they are deactivated due to underuse.

You don't need to build a big ole butt (unless you want one) but you do want to build a strong set of glutes that will serve you in every physical activity you choose to do.

Here's a thread that I did on the top glute exercises on the planet. Click the link to see the exercises.


3. Simple way to test your VO2 max

Your VO2 max is the maximum rate of oxygen your body is able to use during exercise. The reason you should care about VO2 max is because it is an indicator of how long you'll live.

The higher your VO2 max the better chances you have at living longer:

One of the best ways to test your VO2 max is by going to a laboratory and getting a doctor to monitor you while you wear a big mask over your face.

This may not be accessible to everyone so I found a simple way to test your VO2 max called The Cooper 1.5 mile test.

  1. You pick a stretch of flat land you can run on. Preferably a track.
  2. Complete 1.5 miles in the shortest possible time.
  3. Do this at your own pace that you feel comfortably challenged with. Some might have to do this walking and that's okay. 

Once you track your time use this chart to see where you're at:

While this isn't the most accurate way to measure your VO2 max it is still a good test to see where you're at.

If you do this let me know how you tested.

Client of the week - Neil, Online Entrepreneur

Neil is an entrepreneur who struggled with low energy and having a big belly.

In a year, we dropped 36 pounds while adding 6 pounds of lean muscle to his frame completely transforming his body.

The main thing we focused on was training with weights using progressive overload while finding a schedule of eating that worked with his lifestyle and body. We did cardio in the form of his favorite sport (tennis) and made sure we were patient with the process.

I'm proud of the work we accomplished and I'm stoked he has a successful body to go along with his successful business.

Are you an entrepreneur who wants results like this?​ If that's you then click here for a free high performance strategy call.​

One Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

"A genius who loses control of their emotions can be a financial disaster. The opposite is also true. Ordinary folks with no financial education can be wealthy if they have a handful of behavioral skills that have nothing to do with formal measures of intelligence.”

While the above quote is about money the same can be said for our bodies. The process of getting in shape is a process of emotional control. The more we can steady our emotions the better decisions we can make towards becoming the people we want to become.

- Dan

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape in 2023? â€‹
Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.​​​

2. If you’re still looking to get lean, I’d recommend starting with an affordable course:

 â€‹The Lean Body 90 System:​ Transform your body with the Lean Body 90 system. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I use to get my clients lean & energetic in 90 days in only 90 minutes a week. â€‹Join 1000+ students here.​ 

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