The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: A Simple Exercise For Better Posture, How To Use Music To Cure Emotional Eating, The Best Dumbbells For A Home Gym

Jun 09, 2023

4 Minute Fridays

By Dan Go

Today's issue is brought to you by The No Competition Newsletter.

When I feel stuck and need help growing my business, I call my friend and mentor Matt Bertulli. He writes a weekly newsletter called “No Competition” where he breaks down what he’s done to build a $100M revenue business. He’s literally got nothing to sell you, but he will help you make more money and build a business others will be jealous of. Click the link to sign up for the No Competition Newsletter and watch your business grow.

The other day I was interviewed by Grant Cardone for his 10x health podcast.

It was surreal to be interviewed by Grant because I've been a huge fan of his since his 10x book came out.

During the interview, he told me about his current situation:

He's recovering from a shoulder injury and wasn't hitting the gym. What would I say to someone who was in his position?

I told him that I'd take that as an opportunity to work on other things like leg strength and cardiovascular fitness. Due to the fact that he's a high achiever, I would also give him a goal to shoot for that would optimize his body. It could be a weight he does on the leg press or running a 5k within a certain time limit.

Yes, you should stay away from the area you're injured in but do take it as an opportunity to work on other things.

Just because you're injured doesn't mean you can't work on something else.

After the interview, he told me that I should come down to Miami to coach him for 30 days. I said as long as my family comes with me I'm there.

Here is your 4 Minute Friday:

1. One exercise for better posture

4 Best Cable Face Pull Alternatives (with Pictures!) - Inspire USFace pulls just might be the single most underrated and underutilized lifting exercise out there.

They're a multi-functional lift that helps you improve your posture while strengthening your upper back and shoulder blades.

They help build the rear delts, rhomboids, and rotator cuff muscles. They also help prevent rounded shoulders or forward shoulder posture.

I do these to start my upper body days as it teaches me to bring my shoulder blades down and back.

Here's a video from BJ Gaddour on how to execute a proper face pull:

2. Using music to cure emotional eating

Here's the scenario: You're coming home from a stressful day at work. You don't have time to think when you walk through the door because you jump into full parent mode.

When you have a brief moment of time you crave something sugary or salty. You eat it. This is a form of emotional eating.

The cause of emotional eating is general unhappiness. The brain looks for things we can do to increase our well-being. The thing about food is that it's a short-term respite from the stress. You forget about it when you're eating but when you're done it comes right back.

Researchers have found that music could be a solution to this. When you listen to music you love it can help reduce overeating when experiencing negative emotions.

The key is to try to find positive emotions.

Female participants ate less when they were unhappy when they listened to certain types of music, such as music for solace or diversion.⁣

The self-selected music reduced stress, which reduced food intake.

If you feel like overeating, ask yourself: Am I really hungry? Would I want to eat a raw piece of broccoli?

If not, your hunger is likely mental. Look for ways to increase your well-being without the use of food. Try giving music a try the next time you find yourself in an emotional eating cycle.

3. The best dumbbells for a home gym

In February, my family and I moved into a new home on the west coast of Canada. One of the coolest things about this home is that I finally have a dedicated gym space.

It's already been fitted with rubber flooring and it's where I recorded almost all of my Lean Body 90 videos.

As I'm fitting out my new gym I've been on the hunt for a new pair of adjustable dumbbells.

In the past, I've been using a brand called Powerblocks and I loved them. They're sturdy and virtually unbreakable but the downside is that they are finicky to adjust.

So I did some research using Garage gym reviews and came across these bad boys:

Nuobell Adjustable Dumbbell 5-50 Lb Green | Bolt Fitness Supply LLC

They're called Nuobells and they are as sturdy and unbreakable as the powerblocks but they come with a dial where you can easily select the weight you want to use. They also mimic the feel of a dumbbell you'd use in a gym.

They're also ranked as the #1 adjustable dumbbells by Men's Health for 2 years in a row.

If you're looking for an adjustable dumbbell to add to your gym I'd recommend giving these guys a look.

Client of the week - Brandon, Entrepreneur

Brandon is an entrepreneur who was on blood pressure medication and needed to drop 30 lbs off his body.

In 12 weeks, we dropped 36 pounds, lost 7 inches from his waistline, and got him off of his blood pressure meds!

We focused on using metabolic circuits to maintain muscle and cut his time in the gym while changing his eating habits from fast foods to a whole nutrient-dense diet. We set simple habits around his sleep like wearing blue light blockers and having a hard stop to eating 5 hours before bed.

The most important change was replacing his stress eating with walking. I'm proud of the work we've done and stoked about him entering the next phase of his life as a healthy man.

Are you an entrepreneur who wants results like this?​ If that's you then click here for a free high performance strategy call.​

One Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
- Buddha

Many people discard their health to acquire more wealth. But this is a limited way of thinking.

In fact, getting healthier can lead to more wealth. How much better would you perform if you had more energy, vitality, and confidence in yourself?

Instead of trading your health for your wealth use your health to become wealthier.

- Dan

Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape in 2023? 
Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.​

2. If you’re still looking to get lean, I’d recommend starting with an affordable course:

 The Lean Body 90 System: Transform your body with the Lean Body 90 system. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I use to get my clients lean & energetic in 90 days in only 90 minutes a week. Join 1000+ students here. 

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