4 Minute Fridays: The Best Way To Hydrate The Body, Being Ripped Vs. Being Healthy & A Supplement For Increased Endurance
Mar 10, 2023
4 Minute Fridays
By Dan Go
Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder Private Coaching. We help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that supports their busy lifestyle.
Hi friend,
For the past few weeks, I've been settling into my new life in British Colombia. It's been a bit difficult as I've been transitioning to a new time zone as well as the fact that my house is full of unopened boxes at the moment.
It hasn't stopped me from producing at all but I do find myself needing to give myself a bit more grace.
When you make a massive change in your life you will always experience what I call "transition energy". It's a period of acclimating to a new environment, which takes time and energy away. This is the time to be patient and allow yourself to settle into a new rhythm.
We can all be unnecessarily hard on ourselves. This is why it's best to talk to the inner child inside of you to calm down and let things happen rather than forcing them.
Next time you find yourself facing a big change remember to give yourself the time to adapt.
You'll get to where you need to be. Just gotta be patient.
Here is your 4-Minute Friday:
How to Become a Better Human
1. The best way to stay hydrated
Drinking plain water is not the way to hydrate your body. Everyone says to drink more water and even I'm guilty of saying this.
What you need to know is that you need electrolytes alongside of water to be properly hydrated.
Every time you pee you're peeing out water and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
The easiest way to combat this is to add more electrolytes to your water. One of the ways I do this is by adding Himalayan sea salt to my water and taking magnesium supplements.
You could also go with brands like LMNT that provide all of the above in a nice little packet.
2. You don't need to be ripped to be healthy
Unless you're genetically gifted getting to uber levels of leanness takes sacrifice and a ton of effort. It can also be unhealthy for your hormones and can cause eating disorders in some.
Most of what you see in action movies, men's health magazines, and even bodybuilding shows are people who have used PED's or are literally in their weakest state
Most of us want to be fit and live a healthy life while enjoying a particular lifestyle. For me, that means eating out with my family and enjoying time with friends without having to count calories.
If being ripped comes easy for you then by all means go for it.
But if it requires you to live a certain lifestyle that revolves around how you look then I'd suggest to be okay with being healthy and not being able to see a six-pack.
3. Supplement for Increased Endurance & Blood Flow
When I was doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I religiously took Beet Root powder before my classes to increase my cardiovascular output.
Beetroot is a vasodilator, which relaxes and widens your blood vessels. This process not only increases healthy blood flow but also reduces blood pressure, which is the pressure against the walls of blood vessels.
They are also high in nitrates. When eaten, nitrate converts into nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels improves circulation, and may help cardiovascular endurance and athletic performance.
If you're looking for an extra boost for your endurance workouts it's worth trying.
This is the powder I used when I was doing BJJ.
Client of the week - Danika, Entrepreneur

Danika is an entrepreneur who wanted to feel more confident in her body and fit into her old dresses.
In 12 weeks, she lost 21 lbs, dropped 4 inches from her waist, and went down 2 dress sizes. She's at her lowest weight since high school and her energy levels have doubled.
Due to her busy schedule, we incorporated short 30-minute cardio-strength workouts 3 times a week. On the diet side, we focused on eating at least .8 grams to pounds of body weight so we could lose fat and gain muscle. Her only form of cardio was walking 8-10k steps, which she said helped reduce her stress and contributed to her energy levels.
I'm proud of our work together and proud of Danika for transforming her health!
Are you an entrepreneur who wants results like this? If that's you then click here for a free high performance strategy call.
One Quote to Finish Your Week Strong
What words are you using when you address yourself? The most important conversation you'll have is the one you're having inside of your mind. Choose your words wisely as your vocabulary will reflect reality.
- Dan
PLUS whenever you’re ready, here is 1 way I can help you:
Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy & get in your best shape in 2023? Apply for one-on-one coaching here.