The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: How To Improve Your Posture, A Simple Fix To Reduce Snoring & A Great Exercise For People Who Sit At Desks

4 minute fridays Mar 08, 2024

Today's issue of 4 Minute Fridays is brought to you by Probiotic+ from Mindbodygreen.

Probiotics are a staple in the Go Household. They improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even promote mental well-being. These tiny superheroes can also lead to better number 2s, treat irritable bowel syndrome, and even help you drop belly fat.

The best probiotic on the market is Probiotic+ by Mindbodygreen and they're giving my subscribers a sweet discount. Click the link below and get 20% off your order of Probiotics+ so you can start building a healthy gut.

Click here to get 20% off Probiotic+ from Mindbodygreen


I was talking to a friend the other day whose dad had passed away at 64.

During our conversation, he mentioned that his dad didn't have many regrets. He lived a full life.

But if there was one regret he did have it was his health.

He regretted not taking care of his body when he had the chance. He regretted not having more years in this world so he could enjoy his grandchildren more.

This reminds me of the idea that we don't know how important good health is until you lose it.

A body is the vehicle we use to travel through life.

Much like a car, you need to maintain it. But instead of oil changes and tune-ups we use sleep, lifting, walking, stretching, nutrition, and stress management.

You know at some point the car is going to break down but the more you take care of it the longer it will last.

Heck, I've seen people drive cars with upwards of 700,000+ miles on them and they're still running to this day.

I don't know about you but I want to get the most out of this life as I can.

My hope for you is to avoid regret and to take care of your body now while you have the chance.

I'm dedicated to helping you eke out as many miles from this life as you can. You down for the ride?

That being said...

Here Is Your 4 Minute Friday:

1. A System To Improve Your Posture

I have a confession to make: My body used to look like a croissant 🥐 😂

My shoulder blades were turned in, my neck was hunched forward, and I looked like the skinny fat version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

My poor posture destroyed my body. It led to things like chronic shoulder and lower back pain.

When I was in my 20's, I always used to joke that I had the body of an 80-year-old man who just had hip surgery.

Like all of my weaknesses, I decided to attack the problem by becoming obsessed with it.

I researched about posture and dedicated a portion of my life to looking like a normal human being and not like a French pastry.

I'm proud to say that my posture has completely changed and all it took were 4 simple steps that I've outlined in this video for you.

Check it out here 👇🏼


2. A Simple Fix For Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Snoring (and sleep apnea) are the most underrated dangers to our health.

Snoring, especially sleep apnea, prevents you from getting enough air. Breathing may be paused for 10 seconds or more at a time until your reflexes kick in to breathe again.

Having sleep apnea is directly tied to an increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. The scariest part? Most people don't even know that they have this problem.

One way to find out if you have sleep apnea is to do a sleep study. Another way is to track it using an app like sleep tracker 24/7.

The best way to reduce sleep apnea is by getting your body metabolically healthy. This means being at a body fat percentage that's avoidant of preventable disease.

Funny enough, through coaching entrepreneurs into shape, I've helped many of them eliminate snoring simply by helping them lose body fat and become healthier.

But what if you wanted to stop sleep apnea right now? A short-term solution is mouth taping.

Researchers had 20 subjects who had sleep apnea tape their mouth before going to sleep. They found that 65% of their subjects reduced their sleep apnea symptoms by using mouth tape.

While this may seem too good to be true I want to give a word of caution before doing this:

If you have significant nasal obstructions (ex. deviated septum) and congestion these might need to be addressed first before being able to use mouth tape comfortably and successfully.

That said, I use mouth tape every night and have found it to improve my sleep as well as my ability to breathe through my nose.

The most important thing is to get healthy but if you suffer from sleep apnea this may be worth a try if you don't have any nasal obstructions.

3. A Great Exercise For People Who Sit At Desks

We all know the damage that sitting does to our bodies.

Something you may not know is that our bodies start to lose flexibility in everyday normal movements.

Our ability to externally and internally rotate our hips starts to decline. Our glutes start to become weaker. All of this leads to pain down the lower back.

I created an exercise that addresses these issues called the Dynamic Pigeon.

It starts with a 90/90 stretch into a pigeon pose and ends up with a kneeling raise to activate your glutes.

This is a bit advanced so if you can't do this exercise you can regress by using your hands to assist while you rotate your hips and get into the kneeling position.

Here it is in all its glory. Try it out and let me know how it goes:

Client Of The Week - D, Lawyer

D is a lawyer who had a goal to get in the best shape of her life in her 40's. She worked long hours and was frustrated with her yo-yo weight loss.

In 6 months she dropped 52 lbs, saw her abs for the first time since college, and skyrocketed her energy and confidence levels.

Our focus was on short quick workouts with a focus on getting stronger. We emphasized making healthy choices with her food that supported the type of person she ultimately wanted to become. Above all else, we were patient and held her accountable for all the ups and downs that come with transforming the body.

Now she feels like she has a new lease on life and I'm proud of the changes we made to her lifestyle.

​​If you're an entrepreneur who wants results like this in 2024 click here for a strategy call.

One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong

“Every time we choose action over ease we develop an increasing level of self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence.”
- John C Maxwell from the book Intentional Living: Living a life that matters

Want to achieve greater peace in life? Take action on the thing you've been putting off.

Do the thing.

See you next week.

- Dan


When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1. The Lean Body 90 System: When you’re ready to get in great shape, Lean Body 90 is the obvious choice. You can get in great shape and reach your fitness goals in just 90 minutes a week. Lose weight and build muscle even without hours in the gym or highly restrictive diets. Join 1000+ students here.

2. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape? Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.

3. Promote yourself to 225,000+ subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter.

Disclaimer: This email is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. 


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