The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: Man Eats 720 Eggs In A Month But Did Not Expect This, Why Energy Drinks Are Hot Garbage & A Tool I Use Every Morning To Stimulate My Brain

4 minute fridays Sep 20, 2024

Read time: 3.7 minutes

Welcome to 4 Minute Fridays, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to help you get lean, boost energy, and live longer.

What's In Store For Today:

  • Man eats 720 eggs in a month but did not expect this
  • Why energy drinks are hot garbage
  • The tool I use every morning to optimize my brain

Today's issue is brought to you by The Lean Body 90 program.

This course is designed to help you get lean, lose the belly, and double your energy levels in 90 minutes a week or less.

If you have 20 pounds or more to lose, you are sitting on a goldmine of unrealized performance, energy, and confidence.

Click the link below to buy the course, and let's get you in the best shape of your life:

Click here to purchase the Lean Body 90 Program

Hey friend,

The other day, I spoke to a group of high-level entrepreneurs about our body transformation system.

As an exercise, I asked a question where people would have to stand up if it was true.

First question: "Who here tracks their sales every day?"

In a room of 40 people, everyone got up.

Second question: "Who here tracks their weight every day?"

36 people sat down, and only four were left standing. Of the 36 who sat down, I would estimate that 75% needed help with their bodies.

Do you see the disconnect?

What you measure is what you manage, and yes, tracking some of these numbers may hurt the ego, but if you don't track, you don't know.

The numbers we're too scared to track are the ones we need to keep us honest.

That said...

Here Is Your 4 Minute Friday:

1. Man Eats 720 Eggs In A Month But Did Not Expect This

One of the most prominent beliefs in the nutrition world is that eating eggs increases cholesterol levels.

So one man took it upon himself to do an "egg-speriment" by eating 720 eggs in one month, which amounts to about one egg every hour.

At first, his cholesterol didn’t budge, but oddly enough, it dropped by 18%. Turns out this is "eggs-actly" what he needed to drop them down.

The big takeaway is, despite what you’d think, his body's reaction wasn’t random but tied to how his metabolism processes fats, carbs, and this new hormone called cholesin, explained in the video below.

While this may seem a bit "eggs-treme," it teaches us that science is never settled, so let's avoid putting all our eggs in one basket.

Also, eggs can be pretty good for you, leading to some good puns!

Here's the video if you're interested:


2. The Biggest Reason Why Energy Drinks Are Hot Garbage

Here's the deal:

A study involved people who hit the gym and were twice tested on mood, focus, and strength.

Once after downing 200 mg of caffeine and again after slamming a sugar-free energy drink with the same caffeine plus a laundry list of trendy extras like tyrosine and alpha-GPC.

They squeezed things, did push-ups, and basically did stuff that caffeine is supposed to help with.

The result? No difference. Nada. Caffeine did all the heavy lifting and the extra “magic” ingredients? They were about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Like many others, this study says that energy drinks containing added B vitamins, taurine, carnitine, and other buzzword ingredients are more hype than help. And decaf energy drinks? You might as well drink water.

Sure, there’s a tiny bit of hope for ingredients like l-theanine for some specific mental tricks, but for the most part, you should pick your energy drinks based on what they taste like, how much they cost, and how much caffeine they’ve got.

Everything else? Marketing fluff designed to drain your wallet.

❤️ My Favourite Thing This Week

Every morning at 8am, I dedicate myself to at least 2-3 hours of deep work. Before any of that happens, I always turn on my

I've been using for the past three years because it's purpose-built music, made for the mind. is like audio for brain stimulation. The sound it generates activates mechanisms in your brain to promote the flow needed for activities like deep work, creativity, relaxation, and meditation.

I've used it to enhance my deep work sessions and to help my brain relax after a stressful day. In fact, I'm using it right now to write this newsletter.

The great news is that I know the founder (his name is Dan, too 😁), and he's offering a free one-month trial to all of my subscribers (aka you).

Click the link below for the free trial and try out for free: Click here for a month free of

Client Of The Week - B.F, Entrepreneur

B.F. is an entrepreneur who has struggled with his weight since high school. His main goal was to lose his belly and increase his confidence and focus.

In 6 months, we lost 54 lbs and 9 inches from his waistline (!!!). He's never been at this weight before while his energy and confidence levels are at an all-time high.

Our Strategy:

  • For his diet, we created a template in which he would eat his meals according to his natural circadian schedule.
  • We made 10k steps a day a mandatory part of the process. This helped with burning calories and increasing his energy and focus.
  • We worked out 2- 3 times a week using a heavy lifting-focused program to keep his muscle.
  • We preached patience. Rome was not built in a day and neither will your body.

The best part is that B.F. has adopted a standard of being fit and healthy. His identity changed along with his body.

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to drop the fat, gain muscle, and boost energy? Click this link to apply for our coaching program.

One Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”
― Roy T. Bennett

When we think about it, worrying is wasted energy that can be better used to find a solution.

Keep your mind on what matters,

Dan Go / 

Founder, Dan Go Fitness Coaching ← if you want to transform your body, check this out


When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1. The Lean Body 90 System: When you’re ready to get in great shape, Lean Body 90 is the obvious choice. You can get in great shape and reach your fitness goals in just 90 minutes a week. Lose weight and build muscle even without hours in the gym or highly restrictive diets. Join 1000+ students here.

2. Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get lean, boost energy, and get in your best shape? Apply for private one-on-one coaching here.

3. Promote yourself to 335,000+ subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter.



  1. Nkeh, Y.B., Elgin, R.G. & Saher, G. From the unknown to spotlight: newly identified hormone adjusts hepatic cholesterol synthesis to dietary uptake. Sig Transduct Target Ther 9, 165 (2024).  
  2. Pereira F, Evans C, Rojas J, Curtis J, Andal A, Thakkar H, Rocanelli R, Rodriguez CC, Santana JC, Jiannine L, Antonio J. Beyond the Buzz: Do Energy Drinks Offer More Than Caffeine for Mental and Physical Tasks? Int J Exerc Sci. 2024 Aug 1;17(1):1208-1218. PMID: 39257647; PMCID: PMC11385283. 

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