The High Performance Journal

5 Minute Fridays - August 12th 2022

5 minute fridays Aug 11, 2022

Hello friend,

This week has been quite the transformative one. I learned a great mental framework for gratitude which I'll be sharing with you further down the email.

I also got some bloodwork done and was proud to hear my testosterone is at the optimal level. I did some checking around and saw that they were higher than some prominent Youtube physique guys. At 42 that makes me pretty stoked.

A book I'm reading right now is called Breaking the Habit of Being You by Joe Dispenza.

The big idea is that to reach the next level you can't be the same you. You must break the habit of being you.

Your feelings create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your beliefs. Your beliefs create your actions and your actions create your results.

If we want to make more money, become fitter or be a better parent we must shed the old programming for the new.

It reminds me of the podcast I did with my client Chris Bailey. He's a successful investor who had a "Come to Jesus" moment that sparked him to focus on the things that matter most.

We talked about the moment he chose to take control of his health as well as his tips on how to create a fit body on a busy schedule while raising 4 amazing children.

You can listen to it now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

My wish for you is that you never need a "Come to Jesus" moment to start getting in shape.

Your people depend on you and your body is the only one you're gonna get in this life. Start taking care of it.

Onwards and upwards.

4 Things I've Learned

1. Finnish soldier Aimo Koivunen got separated from his unit with no food or weapons. To avoid dying, he took enough methamphetamine for 30 men.

During his insane drug binge, he skied 250 miles, survived a landmine while catching and eating a bird raw.

I'm not advocating anyone to do drugs much less one as dangerous as meth. This was just a wild story.

2. The Grandfather Frame

I've been watching a lot of Alex Hormozi videos lately. This young man is wise beyond his years.

In a podcast he did with Ed Mylett he spoke of the Grandfather Frame.

It's the idea of stepping into the shoes of your 85 year old self right now.

How much more would you kill to where you are at this very moment?

How much would you appreciate the time you spend with your kids, friends and loved ones?

How much more would you appreciate the problems you're facing in your business?

How much would you want to take care of your health now so you can reach 85?

This has allowed me to be more grateful and in the moment than any journaling exercise I've ever done. It's also helped me keep things in perspective.

I recommend listening to that podcast for a full description.

3. Everything is propaganda

The majority of the population still chooses a side based on the news Channel they watch or the people they follow.

Where you get your sources of information will dictate what you see in the world.

This is not to say that propaganda is good or bad. It is neutral. At the very least you want to control what influences you allow into your head space.

4. Take a detour

If you're not in a hurry, take the scenic route.

Discovering new places and experiencing the road less traveled is its own reward.

You also create new neural pathways in your brain as a result of doing things that divulge from your normal routine.

Client of the Week - Paul D, 38 year old entrepreneur

Paul is a business owner who wanted to get healthy so he could become a better example to his family and children.

In 5 months we dropped 41 lbs and lost 9 inches from his waistline.

Along with transforming his body his brain has transformed as well. He's more confident, energetic and optimistic and he's carried this forward into his business and family life.

Want results like Paul in a way that fits your lifestyle? Click here for a free health accelerator call.

1 Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

“The thoughts we think send an electrical signal out into the field. The feelings we generate magnetically draw events back to us.

Together, how we think and how we feel produces a state of being, which generates an electromagnetic signature that influences every atom in our world.

This should prompt us to ask, What am I broadcasting (consciously or unconsciously) on a daily basis?"

" – Joe Dispenza from Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Thanks for reading.

See you next week for more.

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

Ps. Please do me a favour...

Please subscribe to the podcast. My goal is to make it the #1 self development podcast on iTunes and Spotify.

Also, if you could leave a 5 star review I'd appreciate it and give you one of the biggest internet hugs on the planet.

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Thank you for being awesome.

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