The High Performance Journal

5 Minute Fridays - August 19th 2022

5 minute fridays Aug 18, 2022

Hello friend,

You ever get those weeks where you get a lot done but still feel like you're behind the ball? I wonder if this is an entrepreneur or human thing?

This week I posted my first youtube video, wrote countless posts for twitter & IG, welcomed new clients to our program (what's up Iain and Kamran!) set a new process in my business & I'm about to crush 2 podcast interviews after I send this out.

There's always so much to do and that's the beauty of achieving things. It's never ending. When you reach the top of one mountain you're looking at bottom of another.

I find the key is to treat it as a game. Every level has a boss and each boss requires a specific amount of experience points to beat him. Reaching a new level is all about upping your skills & experience. The cheat code to winning is getting a coach.

Btw you might like the video I posted on youtube. I talked about the past 8 years of giving up porn & masturbation and the massive effect it's had on my life.

It's safe to say that this journey has made my life better as a result.

You can watch the episode here on Youtube and if you're so inclined please "like" the video as it helps the algorithm.

If you are watching it one thing to take away is that we all do certain things to numb ourselves from what we are feeling.

The more we can face up to those things the more we can surpass them and become better human beings.

A good question to ask yourself,

"What things am I using to numb myself with that would make my life better as a result of eliminating it?"

4 Things I've Learned

1. The term "close but no cigar" came from the fact that carnivals used to give out cigars as a prizes. Therefore, when someone missed winning the prize the carny would always say, "Close but no cigar"

2. Seeking happiness

The more we seek happiness outside of ourselves the more unhappier we'll become.

You will not be happier with the new car, house, watch or more prestige.

Happiness comes from a state of being. It comes from presence in the moment.

If you seek happiness you end up seeking misery.

Happiness is always an inside process. Not an outside one.

3. The 4 Guiding Principles

The 4 guiding principles we (author of tweet) used to scale our company to 8 figures with 5 employees:

1. Not blaming others

2. No micromanaging

3. No punishing mistakes

4. Being biased toward action

Complete accountability is crucial for success.

Taken from Benjamin Smith's twitter account.


4. I've been baking all wrong


When cooking things on aluminium foil, first scrunch the foil up, then lay it flat again out on your baking tray.

The juices will stay put - and the food will not stick to the foil half as much, if at all.

I've started to do this when baking salmon and it's a game changer.

Client of the Week - Neil  M, 32 year old entrepreneur

Neil is serial entrepreneur who had gained 30 lbs of fat and lost his body to his business. He wanted to get his health back so he could be a better example to his 4 children.

In 1 year we dropped 36 lbs and kept it off, while gaining muscle and eliminating his beer belly. He's now in even better shape than when he was playing D1 college tennis.

A huge bonus is that he's feeling more confidence & energy than ever before. As a result his friends are now calling him "skinny".

If you're an entrepreneur who wants to lose the belly and increase energy in a way that fits your lifestyle then click here for a free health accelerator call.

1 Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

Legendary samurai Musashi on his way to fight 20 men in a battle by himself:

"On his way, he passed by a shrine to Hachiman, the god of war, and stopped for a moment to pray for victory.

But as he walked up to the altar and was about to shake the gong’s cord to get the god’s attention, he suddenly realized that, in ordinary times, he had never put faith in the gods and buddhas.

To do so now would be wrong. Chagrined, he released the cord and backed away.

Why would the gods listen to him now, when he had never relied on them before? In truth, was he to rely on the gods or on himself?

Dripping with sweat from embarrassment, he bowed to the shrine in thanks for the revelation and hurried on.

William Scott Wilson From The Lone Samurai: The Life of Miyamoto Musashi

Thanks for reading. See you next week for more.

Onwards and upwards,


Ps. Please do me a solid...

Please subscribe to my Youtube channel. I'm coming out with videos every week on Thursdays on how to get lean and become a better human being.

You can subscribe to my Youtube channel be clicking here.

Thank you always for being awesome.

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