5 Minute Fridays - August 5th 2022
Aug 04, 2022
Hello friend,
The week is done and we've settled into a new home.
I was listening to a podcast Sahil Bloom did with NFL player Ndominic Suh.
In the interview I heard him say something interesting:
The highest achievers always compensate, which means that they use their weaknesses and turn them into advantages.
An example of this would be a blind man who has enhanced touch and smell.
Or the slow football player who uses his smarts to outwit more athletic foes.
Or the insecure entrepreneur who uses that as motivation to create big businesses.
Most people who complain about their weaknesses but fail to realize it leads them to their biggest strengths.
For me, I was bullied as a kid. I was told I was stupid and wouldn't amount to anything. I used that as fuel to prove people wrong and build myself as a person.
Recently, I got Sahil on the podcast and he talked about the mental gym he created when he was competing in D1 baseball.
He would have a place in his mind where he'd talk to himself to push to new heights.
To get an idea of what I'm talking about listen you gotta listen to the interview.
You can get it now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Our biggest weaknesses can lead to our best strengths. Compensation is great when you know how to use it to your advantage.
Onwards and upwards.
4 Things I've Learned
1. In Japan, when you finish reading the Mainichi newspaper you can plant it.
It's pages consist of recycled paper, water, and the seeds of flowers and herbs. It's one of the most widely read papers in the country, selling over 5 million copies a day.
2. Exercise and the brain
Lately, I've been doing a midday cardio session and it's done wonders for my brain and energy.
This is because exercise improves memory by increasing molecular targets like the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
This molecular increases synaptogenesis, forming new synapses that mediate learning and memory, making it easier to absorb information and form long-term memories.
Doing this mid-day is key as it helps you reset your day and avoid the dreaded afternoon lull.
3. 3 Reasons to Track Your Habits
Benefit #1: A habit tracker reminds you to act.
Benefit #2: A habit tracker motivates you to continue.
Benefit #3: A habit tracker provides immediate satisfaction.
What you measure you manage. Want to set a new habit? Start tracking it.
— Why and how to start tracking your habits
4. Ask for the popular dish
My wife and I love to go to new restaurants. One of the easiest ways to figure out what to eat is to ask the waiter for the most popular dishes.
This is a quick way of crowd sourcing and helps make the decision to choose a bit easier.
Client of the Week
Rob Smith aka. @robsmithonline
Rob is an entrepreneur & media personality who struggled with his eating habits & travel schedule.
In 4 months we dropped 20+ lbs while helping him create eating habits that fit his lifestyle.
Plan included lifting heavy objects, putting his meals on a schedule and incorporating flexibility with the odd drink here and there.
If you want results like Rob then apply here.
One Quote
“"Imagine you're getting on a 17th century boat..
And that boat is going across the ocean to a challenging
The VISION is the destination you're going to...
The MISSION is WHY you're sailing to that destination…..
The VALUES is how everyone interacts with each other on the journey to going where you're going...
So when you think about your business, it's like everyone is getting on this boat, and you're sailing across the ocean..
And to get GREAT people, you have to have somewhere
exciting to go...
And you have to have a great MISSION for why you're
going where you're going.
And like Grant Cardone says, whatever your goal is, put
an extra 0 by it..
And whatever your MISSION is, put another O by it, and
10x it..." – Borrowed from my friend Brian Moncada
Thanks for reading.
See you next week for more.
Onwards and upwards,
- Dan
Ps. Please do me a favour...
Please subscribe to the podcast. My goal is to make it the #1 self development podcast on iTunes and Spotify.
Also, if you could leave a 5 star review I'd appreciate it and give you one of the biggest internet hugs on the planet.
Thank you for being awesome.