The High Performance Journal

5 Minute Fridays - December 2nd 2022

5 minute fridays Dec 02, 2022

Read time: 3.2 minutes

Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder. They help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that supports their busy lifestyle.

Hola my friend.

I'm writing to you today from Mexico where our family is taking a little trip.

I booked this because it was my birthday and I also wanted to give myself a reward for the past 3 months.

Since September I gave up alcohol and other things that were distracting me to focus on growing my business & being with family.

I called it "Monk Mode" and it has changed the way I approach life by a large margin.

The results I experienced are quite shocking and I shared my experience on a video that you can watch here.

Success in life is a marathon with a bunch of sprints in between.

Monk mode has changed my life for the better and next year would be a perfect time to adopt it for whatever goals you choose to crush.

4 Ways To Become a Better Human (Mindset Edition)

1. Want to eat less? Chew more.

A study showed that chewing each mouthful 40x decreases food intake by 12% versus chewing 15x.

This may not be due to the act of chewing itself but by simply causing meals to take longer to eat, which increases your satiety signals.

It's worth noting that foods that take less time to eat (ie. processed foods) may encourage more eating.

The big lesson is to chew your food, eat slower & be more mindful of what you're putting into your body.

2. The Chain Strategy For Skill Building

1. Identify the skill you want to learn
2. Buy a calendar with all months on one page
3. Buy a red Sharpie
4. Everyday practice the skill & mark an "X' for the day
5. Form the chain of X's & do not let it break

Your skillet will solidify in no time

3. The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon is a book on finances but the principles can be forwarded to your health as well.

Here's a summary:

· Pay yourself before you pay others.
· Spend less than you earn and invest the difference.
· Avoid buying things that have little or no value after a few months.
· Spend time accumulating skills and knowledge that others will pay you for.

4. 6 ways to never feel hungry

  1. Use the Satiety Index
  2. Choose foods that have been found to induce more satiety
  3. Increase protein intake
  4. High-protein diets can have powerful appetite-suppressant effects
  5. Bias nutrient timing for hunger window
  6. Have smaller, mostly protein meals in the morning and larger ones later.


5. Drink water before your meals

This can stimulate stretch receptors in your stomach to suppress hunger

6. Eat high fibre foods

Fibre slows down the passing of food and keeps you full for longer

Client of the Week - Kyle Bunnell, Entrepreneur

Kyle is an entrepreneur who struggled with getting on a routine and finding a way to eat that worked for both him and his family.

His main motivation for getting in shape was to get in shape in his 40's so he could set his health up for the rest of his life.

In 4 months he's dropped 18 lbs while feeling more energy to crush his goals in business.

If you're an entrepreneur who wants to be confident in your body and increase energy in a way that fits your busy life click here for a strategy call.

1 Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

"A really good book costs $10 or $20 and can change your life in a meaningful way. It's not something I believe in saving money on.

This was even back when I was broke and I had no money. I always spent money on books. I never viewed that as an expense.

That's an investment to me. I probably spend 10 times as much money on books as I actually get through.

In other words, for every $200 worth of books I buy, I actually end up making it through 10%. I'll read $20 worth of books, but it's still absolutely worth it."

― Naval Ravikant

Most readers aren't leaders but most leaders are readers. What's one book you've been putting off reading? Why not pick it up and get some value out of it?

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

Ps. Please do me a favour...

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'm coming out with videos every week on Thursdays on how to get lean and become a better human being.

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.

Thank you always for being awesome.

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