The High Performance Journal

5 Minute Fridays - October 21st 2022

5 minute fridays Oct 21, 2022

Read time: 3.4 minutes

Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder. They help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that supports their busy lifestyle.

Social media is a wild world.

A lot of people think of it as toxic but I've come to realize that it's what you make of it.

I've learned so much by following the right people. I've also learned about myself in regard to things that trigger me.

The best part is the people you meet.

In the past 2.5 years, I've been growing my platform and have met an abundance of amazing humans I wouldn't have normally met if it weren't for social platforms.

It's gotten me in touch with everyone from NYT best-selling authors to people running billion-dollar empires.

One of the people I've been grateful to meet is a man named Zuby. He has close to a million followers across all social media platforms by being his authentic self.

Something I respect about him is that he's able to speak his mind in a cancel culture world.

That's why I'm excited to share this interview I did with him on my podcast. He shares his humble beginnings, what he's learned talking to half a million people in person & some tips that's helped him keep in shape with a super busy travel schedule.

You can watch my interview with Zuby here.

Social media is neither good nor bad but what we make of it.

I choose to use it to meet cool people and make my life better. I recommend you do the same.

1 Thing I've Learned

1. Train the algorithm

Social media runs on an algorithm that shows you what you and your friends clicked on.

This means that whatever you engage with is what it will feed you.

Do not engage with things that take away peace of mind and mute those who engage with those types of things.

This is how you take control of your feed.

3 Ways to Become a Better Human Being

1. The 3-Step Cycle of Developing an Extraordinary Mind via James Clear.

1) Explore widely. Follow many people, listen to tons of podcasts, and read more books.

2) Clean up your information feed. Subscribe to fewer newsletters, follow fewer people, and re-read great books. All signal, no noise.

3) Repeat

2. Density Workouts.

I'm a proponent of getting at least one close-to-max heart rate training session a week.

This works your heart & increases lung capacity, which are all great for longevity.

When I can't go outside for a hill sprint I like to do density workouts.

It's choosing 3 to 5 exercises, giving yourself time, and trying to get as many rounds as possible.


Workout: Squat x 8, pushups x 8, hip thrusts x 8, back rows x 8, squat jumps x 8

Do this circuit as many times as you can (using good form) within a 10-minute time frame.

This gets the heart rate up and can be done in lieu of HIIT training.

3. A nice workout supplement.

Beta-alanine enhances workout performance for any activity over 60 seconds.

It does so by increasing exercise capacity and decreasing muscle fatigue. It is also an antioxidant, supports your immune system, and has anti-aging properties.

It's hard to get beta-alanine from foods so the best way is through supplementation.

The recommended dose is 2–5 grams daily.

You don't need any fancy brands either. I get it mine in bulk off of Amazon here.

Client of the Week - Janelle, psychologist

Janelle is a psychologist who wanted to be at her healthiest in her 60's.
In 16 weeks she dropped 30.1 lbs, 4 inches off her waist & improved blood markers across the board.

Our strategy:
· Change the quality of her foods from processed to single-ingredient sources
· Trained with weights and ate more protein to lose fat, not just weight.
· Walked every day for stress release and energy

She's feeling amazing and has more than doubled her energy levels.

If you're an entrepreneur who wants to be confident in your body and increase energy in a way that fits your busy life click here for a strategy call.

1 Quote to Finish Your Week Strong

"Ignorance and arrogance are the artist and entrepreneur’s indispensable allies. She must be clueless enough to have no idea how difficult her enterprise is going to be—and cocky enough to believe she can pull it off anyway.

How do we achieve this state of mind? By staying stupid. By not allowing ourselves to think."

― Steven Pressfield from Do The Work

What's an area of our lives that we're overthinking and underacting?

Would making a decision on it create more peace of mind in your life? If so, make it.

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

Ps. Please do me a favour...

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'm coming out with videos every week on Thursdays on how to get lean and become a better human being.

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here.

Thank you always for being awesome.

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