The High Performance Journal

6 Powerful Methods To Beat The Afternoon Slump

high performance journal Aug 06, 2024

Read time: 3 minutes

The High Performance Journal - August 6th, 2024

Note From Dan:

This week, I'm doing something a little different. I'm excited to share a guest post from Ben Meer, who's a friend and a dedicated subscriber of The High Performance Journal.

Ben is a NASM-certified trainer and the writer behind the popular System Sunday Newsletter, which has over 250,000 readers.

Ben’s here to share his 6 powerful tools to beat the afternoon slump. I think you’ll find his insights incredibly useful. Enjoy!

Alright, imagine this:

It’s 2 p.m. and you're desperate for that caffeine fix.

Does this ring a bell? Hitting a wall in the afternoon, that dreaded “afternoon slump,” is something we’ve all been through.

Or maybe you’re just constantly tired, no matter how much sleep you clock in, and you’re sitting there scratching your head, wondering what the hell is going on.

There are many possible reasons for excessive fatigue, whether it’s in the afternoon or all the time.

Why does my energy slump in the afternoon?

The most obvious reason is lifestyle.

Not getting enough sleep, not exercising, or eating a diet low in nutrients can all contribute to low energy in the midday.

Also, your body naturally has a circadian rhythm, which determines when you feel alert or tired during a 24-hour period.

Just as this rhythm makes you tired at night, it might also ​​make you sleepy in the afternoon, especially between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Most people lose 2-3 hours daily to the afternoon slump but it doesn't have to be that way.

Imagine reclaiming 14+ hours per week of high energy.

You could:

  • Boost productivity
  • Deepen relationships
  • Get in the best shape of your life

So in this article, I'm going to share the 6 powerful tools to beat the afternoon slump.

6 Powerful Tools To Beat The Afternoon Slump

1) Follow Japan's 80% Rule

“Eat until you're only 80% full.”

Overeating makes the body divert blood & energy to digestion (causing drowsiness).

Nobody has time for a food coma. So, at lunch:

  • Prioritize high protein, low carb foods
  • Eat slowly to calibrate fullness
  • Stop eating at 80%

Note from Dan:

A great tool that goes along with this is to practice mindful eating:

Get rid of all distractions. When you have a piece of food in your mouth put your fork and spoon down to chew it with attention.

As you eat, keep asking yourself how full you are on a scale of 1 to 10. If you're at 8, then have the discipline to stop.

2) Stay Hydrated

Your brain is 73% water. Dehydration impairs decision-making and causes low energy. So give your brain the water it deserves:

  • Drink 0.5-1 fl oz per lb of bodyweight
  • Carry a water flask everywhere you go

Hydrate, think clearly, keep that energy.

Note from Dan:

I always fill up a 2-liter metal jug of water around with me when I'm working. I make sure to finish the jug before my day is done. Having a visual representation of how much you drink makes drinking more water simple.

3) Use A Standing Desk

Our ancestors used to hunt mammoths.

Now we sit at desks for 8 hours every day. Then we watch TV for another 3 hours (on average).

Humans aren't built for this.

Simply, we're wired to be alert when standing.

87% of those who use a standing desk report increased energy. I use Fully Jarvis, but there are less expensive options (including desktop conversions).

Get a standing desk, take walking meetings, move your body daily.

Note from Dan:

For every 45 minutes of deskwork try to aim for 15 minutes of standing to counteract any bad effects of sitting.

4) Optimize Your Work Environment

Activate your 5 senses:

  • 👂 Score your afternoon with music (I like Hans Zimmer)
  • 👁️ Hide bad triggers (phone)
  • 👃 Use an aromatherapy diffuser (peppermint & lemon promote focus)
  • 👋 Set a cool room temp for alertness (69-72°)
  • 👅 Hydrate; stock healthy snacks

Note from Dan:

Your environment is the invisible hand that influences our health. Get this set up correctly and it makes doing healthy things simple and easy.

5) Set A Pomodoro Timer

Recenter your focus after lunch with a Pomodoro timer.

I like Focus To-Do, a Chrome extension. Set a timer in the app for 25 mins on, 5 mins off.

25 mins of pure focus is science-backed. It's cognitively challenging but feels attainable.

Take a deep dive into the Pomodoro Technique in this past newsletter.

Note from Dan:

I have a little digital timer on my computer that tracks how much deep work sessions I get done. This has been a great tool in keeping me in the flow of concentration.

6) Power Nap (If You WFH)

Einstein. Thatcher. da Vinci.

All famous nappers.

Take a midday power nap. You'll get two days of energy in one.

Effective napping is two-fold:

  • Length: Naps >30 mins might put you in REM, inducing sleep inertia (grogginess)
  • Time of day: Napping past 3 pm often hurts evening sleep (prioritize 7+ hours nightly). Find your sweet spot of length and time.

Note from Dan:

I rarely feel the need to do this, but I'm open to testing it if it provides me with an "extra day" of productivity.

“But Ben, what if I want a lazy afternoon?”

Go for it, my friend!

These are tips for your high-voltage days. The days when you want (or need) to avoid the afternoon slump.

Summary of Beating the Afternoon Slump:

  • Follow the 80% Eating Rule
  • Stay hydrated
  • Use a standing desk
  • Activate your 5 senses
  • Set a Pomodoro timer
  • Take a 20-min power nap (if you WFH)

Protect that energy.

All systems go. Thank you for the opportunity, Dan! And much love, High Performance Journal fam 💪.


Ps. Dan here. Thank you Ben for the great tips on how to beat the afternoon slump. If you want more systems like this (for health, wealth, and free time)? Join 250,000 readers in his free newsletter, System Sunday.


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1. The Lean Body 90 System: When you’re ready to get in great shape, Lean Body 90 is the obvious choice. You can get in great shape and reach your fitness goals in just 90 minutes a week. Lose weight and build muscle even without hours in the gym or highly restrictive diets. Join 1000+ students here.

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