The High Performance Journal

7 TED Talks In 7 Days That Will Make You A Healthier Human Being

get lean Aug 30, 2022

I was talking to a friend the other day and we were talking about our love/hate relationship with Ted talks.

The reason we love them was because it distills a few hundred pages of wisdom in a 10 minute speech.

The reason we hate them was because there are so many to sift through and it seems like everyone and their momma has done a Ted talk.

So I decided to do the heavy lifting for you.

I've sifted through the thousands of ted talks on the internet and have come up with, what I believe to be, 7 of the best on becoming a healthier human being.

You probably don't have time to watch all of them at once so I split this up into days.

The best way to consume these is one day at a time while letting the information marinate in that beautiful brain of yours.

Here they are. Hope you enjoy them:

Day 1: The Brain Changing Effects of Exercise by Wendy Suzuki

“Better mood. Better energy. Better memory. Better attention. And the more I learned, the more I realized how powerful exercise was, which eventually lead me to the big decision to completely shift my research focus”

Day 2: The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health By Julia Rucklidge

“What I’m going to talk about today may sound as radical as hand washing sounded to a mid 19th century doctor and yet it is as equally scientific. It is the simple idea that optimizing nutrition is a safe and viable way to avoid, treat or lessen mental illness”

Day 3: Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea By Charles Eugster

“Vanity is a huge asset. Even at 87 I wanted an adonis body in order to turn the heads of these sexy young 70 year old girls on the beach. I wanted a six pack but my coach said we must first work on my bottom, which was a catastrophe. Exercise is both a preventative measure and a treatment”

Day 4: The great p*rn experiment By Gary Wilson

“With internet p*rn a guy can see more hot babes in 10 minutes than ancestors can see in several lifetimes. The problem is he has a hunter gatherer brain. A heavy users brain rewires itself so it becomes accustomed to behaviours like being alone, voyeurism, clicking, searching, multiple tabs, fast forwarding, constant novelty, shock and surprise. As one young guy asked, “Are we the first generation to masturbate left handed?”"

Day 5: Sleep is your superpower By Matt Walker

"Men who sleep 5 hours a night have significantly smaller testicles than those who sleep 7 hours or more."

Day 6: All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes By Andy Puddicombe

“We’re not here for that long and to spend half our life lost in thought and potentially unhappy seems tragic especially when there’s something we can do about it”

Day 7: How Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me By AJ Jacobs

“So I finished and it was a success overall. All of the markers went in the right direction, cholesterol went down, I lost weight, my wife stopped telling me that I looked pregnant and it was successful overall. But also learned that I was too healthy and that was unhealthy overall”

You now have almost a lifetimes worth of health knowledge condensed in a listening time of about 70 minutes.

Again, the way to consume these is one a day. Learning about different subjects at one time doesn't allow for integration of knowledge.

One day at time. Give it some thought. Then come to your own conclusions.

And "breathe" as my therapist would often tell me to do.

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

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