8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Getting In Shape
Jul 31, 2022
I was chatting with a friend the other day who's part of the fitness industry.
One of the things we talked about was where we started from.
I remember my early days of trying to get in shape as if they were yesterday...
I remember walking into the gym for the first time scared because there were so many people more fit than I was in there.
I covered up my body up in the change room because I didn't want people to see my fat body.
For my workouts, I did the ones you got in bodybuilding magazines.
Remember those? They had the jacked dude in the front. Veins popping out as he was bicep curling.
Oh the good ole days.
Looking back I realize I had these preconceived ideas about what I had to do in the gym.
I was so wrong and it makes me also empathize with the person who's starting (or re-starting) their fitness journey.
Getting your body in shape can feel overwhelming. You have 20 different people telling to do things 20 different ways.
So, if you will, allow me to impart some things I've learned along the way.
Here are 8 things I wish I knew before getting my body in shape and I hope they help you along your journey.
1. It's gonna take longer than you think.
Your body is not a 12 week process.
Yes, you can lose the weight over that time but sustaining the weight loss & setting a new baseline for your body will take a year or more.
Don't rush the process. You'll get farther by thinking long term.
2. Stop trying to lose weight all of the time.
If I could do it all over again I'd lose the excess weight then focus on sustainability while building muscle.
Muscle is the compound interest of the body.
You won't be able to build it efficiently by always being in a deficit.
3. Your goal body is the destination. Your lifestyle is the GPS.
The habits you create become your lifestyle.
Your lifestyle puts the process of getting lean on autopilot.
Focus on making lifestyle changes to avoid the vicious cycle of weight loss & weight gain.
4. Your identity has to change.
Getting in shape is an outcome.
To keep the outcome you must with identify with the things that have gotten you in shape.
This means working out & eating healthy because that's who you are as a person.
It's not enough to do it. You must become it.
5. Cardio is not a sustainable solution.
What do you think happens when you stop doing cardio to lose weight? Those calories eventually come back on your body.
If you are to do cardio do it for your brain & heart.
Focus on your diet to burn fat. It'll get you much farther.
6. You can't spot reduce your belly fat away.
Sit ups and crunches did nothing to help me reduce belly fat.
No amount of core exercises will help you lose the spare tire.
If you want to lose the belly you need to focus on losing fat from the entire body.
7. Supplements won't fix a crappy lifestyle.
Supplements are meant to supplement a healthy lifestyle.
They are 5% of the entire equation. The other 95% is how you eat, exercise & sleep.
Use supplements to enhance your lifestyle habits. Not make up for them.
8. People won't like it when you change.
Crabs in a bucket will try to pull the crabs trying to escape.
Some people will not like it when you're trying to change so they'll subconsciously try to pull you back with social pressure.
Don't take it personally. It's only human.
And those are the 8 things I wish I knew before getting my body in shape.
Obviously, there are nuances to this but the idea is to go broad first then hone in the details later.
You want to create values before getting into the tactics.
In the next email, I'll share the tactics I've used for myself and my clients to get their bodies to lose weight in a sustainable way.
For now, look at this list. Which one makes the most sense to you right now? What needs to change?
Onwards and upwards my friend.
- Dan
PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.
1. Work with us One-on-One
If you're an entrepreneur & would like to work directly with us to lose the excess weight in a sustainable way... Click here to get started.