The Fastest Way To Get Lean
Dec 06, 2022
Reading time: 3.1 minutes
Back in my 20’s I wanted a six-pack so bad.
It was the holy grail to me. I wanted to look like the guys in the Men’s Health Magazines and action movies.
So I did diet after diet to get as lean as possible.
I remember one time I did a diet where I drank nothing but protein shakes every day for 30 days straight.
I lost the weight & saw some of my abs but I gained back all the weight quicker than I lost it.
This would happen many times over until I learned the most important weight loss lesson of all time…
The fastest way to lose weight is to keep it off.
Here’s the reality:
Roughly 80-90% of people who lose weight eventually regain it back.
You lose 20 lbs but eventually gain it back even faster.
Then you do it all over again with a different method but same results.
You do this cycle over and over until you cry yourself into a little corner and give up.
What you don’t realize is that losing the weight & regaining it back is what’s slowing you down.
The main reason this happens is the lack of a sound plan, mindset, and accountability.
When you're getting your body in shape remember this:
1. Faster does not equal better especially when you’re yo-yo’ing your weight up and down.
2. Slower does not equal worse if you lose the weight and keep it off.
This is why we coach our clients using sustainable weight loss strategies.
We focus on process over outcome.
We focus on lifestyle over fast methods.
An example would be the Weight Loss Wave Technique:
If you have over 25 lbs and keep it off you want to lose weight in waves. This helps prevent hormonal issues and bounce back weight gain.
So we lose 10% of our body weight and then eat at maintenance while building muscle for 50-100% of the time we spend dieting.
This allows your hormones to get back to normal and allows you to set a new baseline for your weight.
This is one of the ways you need to customize your plan so it fits your goals & lifestyles. During this time you want to work your mindset while keeping accountable.
Imagine this...
You lost the weight and feel more energy & confidence than ever before. You're a better example to your family and you're rocking life at your fullest potential.
You're secure in the fact that you can keep this body without yo-yo'ing back to where you were before.
Wouldn’t that be so much better than going through the vicious cycle and always worrying about your weight?
The answer is yes.
So stop it with the fast methods.
You don’t need to cut out carbs or fast for 24 hours.
You don’t need to do that detox or fad diet.
You need to focus on sustainability and lifestyle.
That will always be the fastest way to lose weight.
- Dan
PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.
1. Work with us One-on-One
If you're an entrepreneur & would like to work directly with us to lose excess weight in a sustainable way... Click here to get started.