The High Performance Journal

7 Ways To Improve Your Gut Health

get lean Sep 14, 2022

Read time: Less than 4 minutes

One of the most underrated aspects of our health is our gut.

Your body is made of trillions of bacteria, viruses & fungi. These are called your microbiome. We've evolved to live with these microbes for millions of years.

These microbes have evolved to play an important role in our bodies. Without the gut microbiome, it would be difficult to thrive much less survive.

The main areas that affect your gut are your diet and lifestyle, which we'll get into in a second.

How do you know if you have an unhealthy gut?

Here are a few warning signs to look out for:

· Having an upset stomach
· Having trouble sleeping
· Feeling more tired than usual
· Becoming intolerant to some foods
· Having extreme food cravings
· Unintentional weight gain
· Autoimmune issues
· Mood issues

While you may look at that list and think,

"Those seem like symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle. How is my gut involved?"

I don't over-exaggerate when I say that your gut dictates your health to a large degree.

Your gut is responsible for...
· Digestion
· Energy
· Weight loss
· Your immune system
· Cardiovascular health
· Your endocrine system

It is also known as your second brain. The health of your gut affects the health of your brain. A healthy gut can lead to a healthy brain. An unhealthy gut...well you know the rest.

So what are some ways to improve your gut health?

I've got 7 for you today.

When reading these think of them as long-term solutions. You won't improve gut health in one day.

I've read that you can improve gut health in a matter of 3 to 4 days but I'm always playing the long game of health. Look at these as habits rather than short-term solutions.

Here are 7 ways to improve your gut health...

#1 - Eat a diet comprised of whole nutrient-dense foods that are high in fibre. Limit processed foods.

Fibre-rich whole foods are important to promote a healthy microbiome. A person who eats a diet low in fiber tends to have reduced microbial diversity.

A diet high in fiber alters niches in your intestine, which allows bacteria to expand their population, which is what you want for a healthy gut.

Examples: Green veggies, potatoes, and berries.

#2 - Eat probiotic-rich foods.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can benefit your health.

They're called beneficial bacteria & provide all sorts of powerful benefits for your body and brain

Examples: Kefir, yogurt & fermented foods (kimchi, sauerkraut)

#3 - Eating prebiotic foods.

Prebiotic foods are fibers that aren't digestible but help good bacteria grow in your gut.

Examples: Garlic, onions, asparagus, bananas.

#4 - Regular exercise.

Exercise can improve gut health but reducing inflammation and improving body composition.

It also induces positive changes in your gut and your gastrointestinal tract.

Examples: Lifting weights, cardio, walking.

#5 - Limit or eliminate alcohol consumption.

Alcohol was meant to kill bacteria and unfortunately, this also means the kind that are in your gut.

A heavy drinking session can increase inflammation of the gut, worsen digestion & can cause stomach sickness.

This is one of the main reasons why the stomach hurts after a heavy night of drinking.

#6 - Getting quality sleep.

Your sleep habits affect your digestive system. Lack of sleep increases stress, which affects your gut.

Melatonin is produced in your body for sleep and when thrown off it could lead to negative changes in your gut.

The more sleep deprived you are the more it can have an effect on your gut health.

#7 - Having a healthy body fat percentage.

Being obese or overfat can cause a vicious cycle where the bacteria in your gut can cause you to gain more fat and vice versa.

Fortunately, the activities (exercise, food, sleep) that help you get in shape are ones that also help you improve your gut microbiota.

Your gut not only affects your physical health but your mental health as well.

The body affects the brain and the brain affects the body.

The good thing is most of the things listed above are habits that contribute to becoming the healthiest versions of ourselves.

When looking at this list see it as a set of habits you do consistently.

I would also approach it one at a time.

Which area can you focus on right now that would move the needle most for you?

Put attention on that now and be patient.

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.

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