How To Boost Testosterone After The Age Of 40
Aug 14, 2022The other day I got a blood test and found some surprising results.
Overall, I was doing pretty good. There is room for improvement, especially when it came to my LDL & calcium but I was pleased with the result.
The number I was most proud of most was my testosterone.
I came in at 671 ng/dl, which was in the optimal range:
To compare my levels I did some research and found this to be on par with some prominent Youtube fitness guys who are way younger than me:
For context: I'm a 42 year old male of Asian descent. I started out with man boobs and a fat body and got myself in shape. I've got average genetics and tend to collect more fat in my belly than any other area of my body.
I've never take TRT nor do I take any testosterone "boosting" supplements.
So you can imagine how stoked I was when I got my test back.
After getting the good news I crushed a squat PR in the gym. Afterwards I beat my chest like a gorilla to let everyone in the room know I was the alpha.
Okay, I didn't do the second part but I digress...
I attribute my numbers to a few principles that, if you follow them long term, they will help you get you to optimal T levels without the use of steroids.
Unfortunately, when it comes to testosterone, I find entrepreneurs seek the shortcuts too often.
They will opt to do hormone replacement therapy before trying to fix the actual causes of low T.
They will inject themselves with a needle twice a week not knowing that they have to committed to doing this for the rest of their lives.
(Doing hormone replacement therapy stops your natural production of testosterone, which means you'll have to do it for life if you want optimal T)
Even though their T levels may get to normal nothing changes because they refused to fix their lifestyle.
As Chris Williamson stated,
"It's wild that guys who are on TRT can still have bodies like a bag of milk."
If you're over 40 (or even under) and want to get your testosterone to optimal levels you must focus on what matters most.
Here are 7 things to focus on if you want to boost your Testosterone levels:
1. Get Body Fat Levels to 12-19%
Your waistline is the biggest predictor of your testosterone levels.
The more body fat you have the more estrogen you have, which means less testosterone. The general aim is to be at a healthy body fat level. Not too little but not too much.
2. Lift Weights 3-4x a Week
The more muscle you have the higher your testosterone levels will be.
Lifting weights can raise testosterone because it promotes muscle building. Focus your workouts on compound movements that force your body to use the most amount of muscle.
3. Eat a Protein Rich Nutrient Dense Diet
Your diet affects your T levels.
A diet comprised of inflammatory foods/drinks high in refined carbs & sugars may result in lower T levels. Eating a high protein nutrient dense diet can help increase muscle as well as testosterone.
4. Get Your Sleep Habits Fixed
Quantity & quality of sleep matter.
Studies found that men who slept less than 5 hours a night for a week had lower T levels than when they had a full night of sleep. Highest levels of T production happen during REM & deep sleep.
5. Get Regular Sun Exposure
Researchers found that testosterone levels rise according to Vitamin D levels.
The best way to get Vitamin D is by exposing your skin to the sun, preferably in the morning. Yes, you can supplement but it's better to get the real thing in moderation.
6. Reduce Stress Levels
Chronic stress can cause men to produce lower testosterone.
Cortisol & testosterone have an inverse relationship but this doesn't mean that cortisol is bad. It means to balance your stress with activities that help you recover and bring stress levels down.
7. Avoid Endocrine Disruptors
Long term exposure to endocrine disruptors can result in lower levels of testosterone.
Examples: BPA, phthalates, Dioxin, Atrazine, Perchlorate, Lead, Arsenic, Pesticide.
Google where these are in your environment & do your best to avoid them.
Boosting your testosterone levels is a long term game but it's totally worth the effort.
Doing so leads to more energy, better moods, more confidence, increased motivation & makes you feel more like a man.
Thankfully, when you focus on the above principles you end up creating a fit body in the process, which comes with its own host of amazing benefits.
As with all things, never take the easy route.
Don't do things because of laziness and always remember that choosing the long road ends up becoming the shortest path.
And make sure to start with these before choosing to inject yourself with TRT.
Onwards and upwards,
- Dan
PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.
1. Work with us One-on-One
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