The High Performance Journal

How To Drop 25+ Pounds And Keep It Off

get lean Dec 13, 2022

Last year I was working with an entrepreneur who wanted to drop 25 lbs & increase his energy levels.

He had dropped the weight before with keto and cardio but gained it all back after he got injured and started to eat carbs again.

The Goal?

He wanted to lose weight and keep it off in a sustainable way.

He was sick and tired of the yo-yo weight loss cycle and wanted to be a good example to his 2 children. He didn't want to feel embarrassed when he took off his shirt at the pool and wanted to feel like himself again.

In 3 months he dropped the 27 lbs and I’m proud to say he’s kept it off since then. The cool part about it was that he was able to double his income during the time we were working together.

While I can't promise you will double your income (yet) I show you how we did it.

Here’s the step-by-step on the system we used & how you can do it too.

Step 1: The Trifecta of Results

It’s easy to keep track of your weight when you’re losing but what happens when you gain it? Those are the times you need to track the most.

Also, tracking weight loss sucks when it's used as the only way to measure success.

We used a trifecta of results:

  1. Track weight 3x a week
  2. Track inches bi-weekly
  3. Take pictures every month

You can’t determine a business’s success based on one metric. You want to avoid this with your body as well.

Having more numbers to track gives you a holistic view of the progress you’re making.

Step 2: Weights & Walking

The only exercises we required him to do were 2-3 weight training sessions a week and 8-10k steps daily.

Weight training helps you build muscle and maintain your metabolism.

Walking helps decrease stress, increase energy, burn a few more calories & is less stressful on the body when it's taking in fewer calories.

Weight training only took 30-45 minutes to complete. The steps we got in by implementing morning walks as well as walking meetings.

Step 3: Customize Nutrition According to His Rhythms

We put him on a meal schedule that worked with his lifestyle.

He had his last meal at least 3 hours before he slept (bedtime was 10 pm).

His second meal came at 1-2 pm and his final meal was a protein shake with greens at 8-9 am.

We drank one liter of water upon waking and replaced all snacks between meals with H20.

85% of the calories he ate were single ingredient nutrient-dense foods. We had his protein at .8 grams per pound of body weight to build muscle.

Also, when he went out to eat we assisted him by looking at the menu beforehand helping him make smart choices.

Step 4: Optimize Sleep

He had no problems going to sleep but he did have difficulties going to sleep on time due to being on screens.

So we had him wear blue light blockers for at least 3 hours before going to sleep.

This helped entrain his rhythms so he started feeling tired by the time he wanted to sleep.

Step 5: Coaching, Accountability and Community

We lined up the strategy to fit his lifestyle.

We coached him & held him highly accountable with multiple touchpoints throughout the week.

Lastly, he was part of a community of entrepreneurs who were on the same journey.

If you’ve been struggling to get in shape getting support is a huge piece of the puzzle.

Coaching, accountability, and community are like adding rocket fuel to your goals.


  1. Keep yourself honest with tracking
  2. Get exercise through weights and walking
  3. Set up your meal according to your lifestyle
  4. Optimize your sleeping habits
  5. Accountability and community

You’re always one system away from achieving your fitness goals.

The system above worked for Van and hundreds of other entrepreneurs we’ve worked with.

When you commit it’ll work for you too.

Stop procrastinating on your body & get started.

- DG

PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.

1. Work with us One-on-One

If you're an entrepreneur & would like to work directly with us to lose excess weight in a sustainable way... Click here to get started.

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