The High Performance Journal

How To Increase Your Energy Levels

get lean Oct 11, 2022

Reading time: 3 minutes

Back in August, I was working with a client who was dealing with brain fog and low energy levels.

Mike (name withheld) had been dealing with this issue for quite some time and, like most high performers, he powered through it.

What he didn't realize was that he was pushing himself into burnout and this was affecting his business as well as his family.

Being drained of energy can be a slow burn in your life.

It reminds me of a quote my mentor told me,

"Energy is the currency of life"

So we did a couple of things with Mike to change how he was showing up each day...

We started fixing his sleeping habits at night.

Not getting quality sleep the night before will dictate your energy levels the next day.

We set a few of the tips in this thread into his sleep routine to fix his bedtime habits.

Then we worked on how he began his mornings, especially around the phone.

When you scroll on your phone in the mornings it puts you in what I call the "dopamine death loop".

When you scroll you elevate dopamine levels, which causes your body to crave the same stimulus.

Do this in the mornings and you can become tied to your phone for the rest of the day.

So we implemented a strict zero-phone policy within one hour of waking.

Within this morning we had him doing a few mobility exercises to start the day with some movement. He took a morning shower so we did some stretches in this link to get his body mobilized for the day.

Now the hard part...

When he was in the shower we had him doing 30 seconds or longer of cold exposure. Doing this elevates your dopamine levels in a healthy way.

The final thing we did in the morning was get some sun on his face.

Morning sun exposure wakes you up by turning on your circadian clock and also preps your body for a deep sleep later on.

Aside from this routine, we worked on his foundations of exercise & nutrition.

We started eating quality foods, got daily walks, and did three 30-minute circuit-based lifting sessions every week to help him drop 25 lbs off his body.


After 16 weeks Mike said his energy levels were "through the roof".

· He was bouncing out of bed to start the day
· He was more focused & productive
· At the end of the day he had more than enough energy to play with his kids.
· He had more drive & motivation to crush his goals

During this time he had some incredible breakthroughs in his business. He was more decisive and grew his business by 70% during the quarter.

Mission accomplished.

This may seem like an overwhelming process at first but in Mike's case, he had coaching to help guide him through it.

If you're wondering what to do I'd suggest working on the big rocks first (sleep, nutrition, exercise) then doing one of the things in the morning routine to get started.

It's okay to start small when it comes to your health.

You got this.

See you again next week.

- Dan

PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.

1. Work with us One-on-One

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