The High Performance Journal

If You're Always Tired Read This..

get lean Nov 22, 2022

When I was in my 20's I would always feel like I needed a nap between 1 and 3 pm.

They called it the afternoon siesta.

I thought this was normal until I started to focus on my health.

Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with taking naps.

But feeling low energy in the midday could be a signal that something may be off with your body.

Energy is the currency of life and not having enough of it can feel like you're stuck in the mud for most of the day.

There's a few reasons for this...

· You're not getting enough sleep
· You're lacking nutrients
· You're not exercising enough
· You're always under blue light environments
· You're not hydrated enough
· Your body is not aligned with your circadian rhythms

If you deal with low energy on a regular basis here's your game plan to get yourself out of the rut:

1) Stop trading tonight for tomorrow.

This means get your ass to sleep, my friend.

Go to bed at the same time. Dim the lights when it's nighttime. Stop eating 3 hours before bed. Stop drinking liquids 2 hours before bed. No caffeine past 12 pm and wear blue light blockers at night if you go on screens.

2) Stop eating like a child

You need to focus on how much food you're getting (macro) and how many nutrients you're ingesting (micro).

Aim to get most of your food from single ingredient nutrient-dense foods coming from a variety of sources.

Examples would be eggs, steak, salmon, liver, garlic, broccoli, potatoes, blueberries & strawberries.

3) Exercise daily

Lift weights 2-3x a week. Get at least 6-8k steps a day. Do some form of cardio for 1-2 hours a week.

Add in a HIIT session for 6-15 minutes.

Exercise gives you energy through movement, increasing lung capacity & making your heart healthy.

Humans were meant to move so give your body the love it deserves.

4) Get outside

Spend as much time in nature as you can handle.

Nature de-stresses your nervous system and puts you in a relaxed state.

Even if it's cloudy or cold outside get out there as you'll still take in the photons from the sun.

Humans were not meant to live under artificial light for the entirety of their days. We were meant to be outside.

5. Hydrate yourself

Our bodies are 80% water. Even a 2% decrease can ruin concentration.

Get water throughout the day by keeping a big ass water bottle beside you.

Drink 1 litre in the morning. Drink water before your meals. Drink water in between your meals to replace snacking.

You don't need to guzzle 3 liters all at once. Space it out throughout the day and watch what it does to your energy levels.

6. Trust your rhythms

Your circadian rhythm is a natural cycle of physical, mental & behavioral changes your body goes through in a 24-hour cycle.

Get morning sun exposure.

Delay coffee by 1-2 hours upon waking. Follow the sleep tips in #1.

Also, do not go on your phone first thing in the morning. Get your butt outside and take a walk. You'll feel so much better.

Your All-Day Energy List

1) Fix your sleep
2) Eat nutrient-dense foods
3) Exercise daily
4) Spend time in nature
5) Hydrate yourself
6) Follow your circadian rhythms

Doing all of these will make you feel more alive while decreasing stress, which also boosts energy levels.

Energy is the currency of life.

It's like compound interest: Feeling 10% more energy a day leads to a total increase of 3650% for the entire year.

What would you do with that? I don't know about you but I'd spend it by crushing my goals & spending time with my loved ones.

Your team and your family deserve the best version of you. Being at your best means managing your energy levels.

Start with this list and let me know how it goes.

- Dan

PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.

1. Work with us One-on-One

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