The High Performance Journal

If You Want A Lean Body By Summertime, Read This:

get lean Mar 20, 2023

In today’s issue, I want to give you a simple plan to get your body lean for the summer.

Let’s be honest for a second…

Most of us want to look good for the summer.

Yes, feeling great and being high energy is great but it’s also nice to sit at the pool feeling confident about your body.

Here’s what you need to know:

The best time to start was January. The next best time is now.


So if that’s you then let me share with you a simple plan I’m doing with my clients to get them lean for the summer.

Step 1 - Track Your Numbers

Keep a regular log of your weight, inches, and pictures. What you measure you manage.

I call this the trifecta of results.

You can’t rely too much on just weighing yourself because it’s only one unit. It’s like determining business success by only looking at revenue.

What you’ll find is that sometimes weight stays stagnant but your inches drop. Or both stay stagnant but your pictures and clothing show progress.

You want to track the 3 mentioned above to get a holistic picture of your progress.

What you measure is what you manage so track your progress.

Step 2 - Clean Up Your Diet & Make It Routine

Get rid of snacking and eat 3 a day.

Get your protein to .8 to 1g per pound of body weight to maintain/build muscle.

An underrated habit is  and sticking to it. Doing this puts your hunger on autopilot.

An example would be my meal schedule:

7:30am - Double scoop protein shake with a greens powder, creatine, and tablespoon of psyllium husk.

12pm - Lunch with carbs and at least 40 grams of protein. Last one was a protein spaghetti meal I got from my meal prep service.

5pm - Dinner with a big piece of meat or fish, vegetables, and a single-ingredient carb source.

Example of last night's meal:

This helps me hit 1900-ish calories and 155 grams of protein every day.

It also fits my routine of hitting the gym at 2pm as I find a little food in my stomach helps me lift better.

Whatever it is find the routine for you that will help you hit your targets.

Step 3 - Get Lifting

Do some form of lifting 3x a week.

I’m a fan of strength circuits as they pair 2-4 exercises together without rest.

These are part of the workouts I do for my clients and they’ll be featured in my upcoming Lean Body 90 course. You can get on the presell list and get a sweet discount by .

The focus is to cut the time that I spend in the gym while getting lean, building muscle & increasing strength.

When you do this workout you can cut your workout time in half and get in and out of gym in under 90 minutes a week.

I talk about the .

Step 4 - Get Moving

You don’t need to do cardio. Just aim to get through a variety of methods.

I recommend to my clients to do a few things like walking meetings, lunch break walks, and post-dinner walks.

Walking is highly underrated for fat loss because it’s low impact and can also help you speed recovery. It also de-stresses you and gives you a good dose of energy when done in the morning or middle of the day.

8 to 10k steps is enough to get the benefit.

Step 5 - Fix Your Sleeping Habits

Quality sleep helps you maintain energy and reduces appetite throughout the day.

It’s the most underrated piece to dropping body fat. Make sure you get the right amount for yourself by fixing your sleep habits.

Improving sleep is a vast topic but I got you.

I created an entire guide on my high-performance sleep system that you can access at no cost .

Important Note:

Getting lean for the summer is a great motivator but fitness is a process, not an event.

As you lock down these 5 steps start identifying with the habits you’re creating so you can continue them on beyond the summer.

90 days of consistent effort is enough to help you get lean while making these habits a lifestyle that you can sustain.


Use the summertime motivation for what it is but remember that staying fit is about changing your identity.

Don’t set the goal. Become the goal.

This would be the time I say, “Good luck” but you won’t need it.

The most successful people on the planet apply what they learn as fast as they can.

Create your own luck by acting fast on this step-by-step system. In 90 days you won’t regret it.

- Dan

Ps. In early spring, I’m launching my course called the .

It’s a program that has been used by thousands of clients to get them lean in 90 days in under 90 minutes a week.

If you want to get on the VIP list (and get access to a sweet discount when it comes out) click the link below.

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