You Won't Believe This Picture
Jul 17, 2022
The other day I posted a picture that blew the minds of Twitter.
It was an MRI comparing the legs of a 40-year-old triathlete, a 74-year-old sedentary man, and a 70-year-old triathlete.
Here's the picture:
Can't believe it? Yeah, neither can I.
In the middle of the blob, you see white. That is bone.
The dark area around the bone is muscle.
The white area around the muscle is fat (aka. adipose tissue).
Can you believe that a 70-year-old triathlete has the same muscle, bone density, and fat as a 40-year-old?
Now, look at the fat on the sedentary dude. That amount of fat is a heart attack waiting to happen. Also, look at the bone. His bone is smaller than the other guys. He's one fall away from breaking it.
What's the take-home lesson?
You either use it or lose it.
After the age of 30, you begin to lose as much as 3-5% of muscle per decade. Muscle loss speeds up after the age of 50.
If you don't do anything to counter it you will lose about 30% of muscle in your lifetime (YIKES).
This is not all about muscle either.
Your hormones get crushed in the process. In guys, testosterone plummets, and in women estrogen goes down as well.
I remember sending one of my clients to get a blood test done to check his T levels.
Due to his business, he had neglected his body. He gained over 25 lbs over the course of 4 years.
When the blood test came back he was almost in tears.
The test showed him that he had the testosterone levels of a 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL.
That would explain why he felt low energy, brain fog, moodiness, and a lack of desire when it came to the bedroom.
While this may seem all doom and gloom let me assure you that it's not.
You can turn it around at any time. Your body has a memory. All you gotta do is make your health a priority and start doing the right things to point yourself in the right direction.
As for my client: After a few simple changes to his diet, exercise, and sleep habits we turned the ship around.
Not gonna lie. It took some time.
But after 4 months of employing our ABBS system on his body, he was able to drop the extra 25 lbs and got his T levels close to normal levels (without the use of steroids).
The body has a memory. It craves to be in a physical state that's vibrant and full of energy.
Give it the attention it deserves because you don't have a spare one in the closet.
This ain't like that Altered Carbon show on Netflix where you can switch bodies at a moment's notice. This is real life.
Things won't happen overnight. That's why you gotta commit to a new lifestyle.
And when you do...guess what? An entirely new life awaits you on the other end.
Onwards and upwards,
- Dan
PLUS: Whenever you're ready... Here is one way I can help you get your body back into shape.
1. Work with us One-on-One
If you're an entrepreneur & would like to work directly with us to lose excess weight in a sustainable way... Click here to get started.