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Previous Issues of The High Performance Journal

The 3 Worst Exercises To Stop Doing After 35 (and what to do instead) high performance journal Jun 06, 2023

The High Performance JournalJune 6th 2023

Sometimes when I walk into a commercial gym it feels like I’m walking into a Jane Fonda commercial.

I see tons of cardio bunnies. Side leg...

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2 Weird Things That Have Completely Transformed The Way I Sleep high performance journal May 30, 2023

The High Performance JournalMay 30th 2023

The older I get the more I prioritize my sleep.

This has become more true since the birth of my second daughter and while I may not be able to get...

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My Unique Strategy On How To Lose The Belly Fat get lean high performance journal May 23, 2023

The High Performance JournalMay 23rd 2023

Ever since I was a kid I was insecure about how my stomach looked. I wasn't obese by any measure but I was fat with little muscle to show for.


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How To Speed Up Your Metabolism get lean high performance journal May 16, 2023

The High Performance JournalMay 16th 2023

The other day I was in line for a coffee. As I was waiting I overheard a conversation that was happening right behind me.

It was a guy in his mid...

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21 Diet Secrets I Know In My 40's I Wish I Knew In My 20's get lean high performance journal May 09, 2023

The High Performance JournalMay 9th 2023

There are some days I wish I could go back.

I made many mistakes and learned so much in the past 20+ years of being in the fitness industry. If I...

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If You Breathe Through Your Mouth, Read This: high performance journal May 02, 2023

The High Performance JournalMay 2nd 2023

It's 8:35 am in the morning Pacific time. As I'm writing this I have a piece of black tape stretched across my mouth.

This is not some bondage...

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