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Previous Issues of The High Performance Journal
Read time: 3.4 minutes
Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder. They help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that...
Reading time: 3.7 minutes
At the time of writing this, I'm 42.
While I feel better than I've ever felt before I'm reaching the point that most would consider mid-age.
From my 20's to 30's I used...
Read time: 3.4 minutes
Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder. They help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that...
Reading time: 3 minutes
When I was in my 30's I wanted to lift the heaviest weight I could ever lift.
It was what I call the powerlifting phase of my life.
In the fitness arena, we have arbitrary...
Read time: 3.4 minutes
Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder. They help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy & build confident-looking bodies in a way that...
Reading time: 3.9 minutes
Hi, my name is Dan and I am an emotional eater.
I don't like it when I'm stressed so I used to reach for food to numb the feeling.
I didn't like feeling uncomfortable at...